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Beth Zemsky

Beth Zemsky has 35 years of experience as a community organizer, educator, psychotherapist and organizational leader. Beth approaches her work with a deep commitment to engaging people in learning activities that move them to understand critical social and cultural issues. Building on best practice approaches, Beth concentrates on intercultural organizational development with organizations working toward social change and structural transformation. Beth’s history includes serving as the principal of Zemsky and Associates Consulting, founding director of the GLBT Programs Office and coordinator of Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness at the University of Minnesota. Beth has specialized training in intercultural competency, organizational development, systems change, change management, leadership development, intercultural conflict, mediation, assessment, and designing and implementing action learning programs. In addition, Beth has been an adjunct faculty member at the University of Missouri, Augsburg College, and University of Minnesota.

Related Workshop: Responding to Injustice: Committing to Equity